舞子スノーリゾートでスキー・スノボ !
- 金曜夜から1.5泊 渋滞回避で充実のスキースノボプラン 交通案内 ~ 移動時間の目安 ~ スケジュール例 金曜夜着1.5泊プラン料金 スキーシーズン 金曜夜着1.5泊プラン! (金曜日22:00以降のチェックイン) 24 […]気の合う仲間と! ご家族で! プライベート・少人数にお勧め 雪遊びやそり遊びも! 初すべり~春スキーまで! 舞子スノーリゾート 春休みは舞子でスキー・スノボ ! 3月も思いっきり楽しめます! 下幅ご宿泊プラン小中高校~市民グループなど、各種団体様へお勧め! スキー教室・スキー修学旅行プラン ! 実績多数で安心 ・小中高校~市民団体様などのスキー教室・スキー修学旅行、多数実績がございます。 15名様以上が対象・ご予約の際には、 […]専用体育館・道場でスポーツ合宿! あいまにスキースノボも! 雪中の鍛錬場‼ 冬合宿&スキースノボよくばりプラン ! 3月~春休み 専用体育館・道場での各種スポーツ合宿 と スキー・スノボ をあわせた充実プラ […]

ビギナーからキッズ・ファミリーに人気の広い緩斜面から、エキスパートにお勧めのタフな急斜面まで、 バラエティー豊富なコースが自慢のビッグなスノーリゾート!
下幅旅館ではただいま スキーシーズン のご宿泊の予約を受け付け中です。
土曜からの1泊2日のほか、 土曜からの1泊2日のほか、週末をたっぷり遊べる 「金曜夜からの1.5泊」 も是非ご利用下さい。 金曜夜から1.5泊 充実の週末スキー!👈クリック
OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA 下幅旅館では、オーナーが自ら栽培した自家製コシヒカリを提供しております。
An important message to overseas guests
Shitahaba Ryokan is a traditional Japanese style inn.
In the past we have not accepted bookings from overseas guests, feeling that they might be more comfortable and satisfied staying at a larger hotel or in a modern ryokan. However, some visitors do wish to experience a stay at our ryokan and we can accept reservations.
In order to avoid any potential issues and misunderstandings, we would like to ask that all guests read and agree to the following before making a booking at Shitahaba Ryokan:
- Take off your shoes at the entrance to enter the building. Shoes should be put in the shoe boxes at the entrance.
- Do not wear shoes inside the building.
- All our guest rooms are Japanese style with tatami mat flooring.
- Guest rooms have air conditioning and a television.
- There are no baths, toilets or washrooms in the guest rooms. Guests bathe and wash using pubic baths and washbasins and use shared toilets.
- The public baths are shared. The baths for men and women are separate.
- Other guests may be using the public baths at the same time.
- Do not put body soap, shampoo or towels into the bath.
- Body soap and shampoo/rinse is provided in the bathing area.
- There are no hairdryers.
- The shared toilets are gender-specific (separate) and are Western
style with washlet. - If you choose an accommodation package that includes meals, the meals will be served in the common dining room.
- Cooking is Japanese-style home cooking.
- All bedding is Japanese-style futon.
- The futon bedding is stored in the closet of the guest room.
- Take the futon out of the closet when you wish to use them.
- Towels, toothbrushes and nightclothes are not provided. Please bring your own.
- Payment is cash only. Please pay when you check out.
- Credit cards and cashless payments are not accepted.
- There is a Lawson convenience store about 10 minutes away on foot.
- There are no English-speaking staff at Shitahaba Ryokan. You are welcome to use a translation application, but please be aware that there may be communication issues!
- We highly recommend that someone who understands Japanese helps you when making a booking.
Please make a reservation after acknowledging the above and that the facilities and services are all Japanese style.
Thank you very much for your understanding.